QR Code
Dynamic QR Codes offer a wide range of possible applications, making it easy for companies to provide information to prospective customers or buyers, which can include PDF assembly instruction, link to a video tutorial on how to use a product or an audio file. Contactless ordering, picking up or paying via QR code has also gained in importance as has registration for newsletters, loyalty campaigns or as a feedback tool. Additionally, printed on packaging, QR Codes provide information about the manufacture and origin of a product.
It is essential that the user knows what is "hidden" behind the QR code and what advantage he has from scanning it, making clear communication and transparency a key to successfully QR code deployment.

In the United States, use of the QR Code is prevalent. As mandatory information on food packaging, in store customer experience offerings, on shoes and on print products to provide buyers with further information and to engage them beyond the initial interaction, the QR code has proven itself to be an excellent communications and efficiency tool.
Scanning today proves to be very convenient, as the user only needs the smartphone camera. Since dynamic QR codes enable the analysis of engagement and conversion rates, they are a valuable component of advertising campaigns.
QR Codes are more in demand than ever and are experiencing an upswing. The reason is dynamic QR Codes, which enable measurability and personalization. Different target groups are directed to different (e.g. country-specific) landing pages. DSGVO-compliant retargeting and tracking codes, which are integrated into the scanning process, show how a campaign performs. This enables a permanent improvement of the campaign based on scan results.
But like all touchpoints, a QR Code must offer clear added value, which must also be communicated. Furthermore, QR Codes must direct to personalized and individualized content. This may require the creation of large quantities of QR Codes, which can only be achieved by automating the QR Code generation process.
One Solution for all print touchpoints
Our Customers use the priint:suite to create an endless array of print media like catalogs, leaflets self-mailers, datasheets and much more.
The priint:suite enables them to integrate the most diverse data sources (e.g. ERP, PIM, MDM, DAM, CRM, CMS Web-Shops or MRM systems), making their information usable for marketing and print touchpoints. The same data that fuels the digital channels can be seamlessly utilized in the print channel with the click of a button. This ensures a consistent customer experience across all communications channels. The modularity and scalability of the priint:suite makes it possible to successfully automate print process and customer touchpoints created by any department within the company and methodically integrate them into the digital communication strategy.
- Advertising material for interaction with customers
- Updating the campaign based on the scan result
- Personalization through automation

Get your Copy of our Touchpoint Travelmap
More than 30 print relevant touchpoints help to make multi-channel communication more effective, so perfect customer journeys can be orchestrated. The priint:suite, with its powerful components, helps you create print touchpoints quickly and easily based on existing data sources in your company. Filter touchpoints and discover how priint:suite can help you put this into practice.