

A magalog is the combination of a magazine and a catalog – marrying all the advantages of an editorially written and stylishly prepared magazine with the product presentation in a catalog. If the product presentation is successfully mixed and embedded in editorially relevant content, the magalog establishes itself as an extremely attractive touchpoint in the marketing mix.

Because of its high entertainment and informational value, the magalog is a powerful selling tool that increases its time spent on the coffee table, achieving its primary objectives of attracting new customers while providing existing customers with additional, experience-oriented information.

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Today, simple product descriptions and nice pictures aren’t sufficient for successful catalog production - regardless of whether you create a B2B or B2C catalog. This means that the classic catalog has lost its importance as a medium for product communication. However, communication that offers the experience-oriented consumer a customer experience, tells stories, creates added value through supplementary information and presents the valued reader with high-quality editorial content and articles has gained enormous importance.

Successful magalogs focus on a topic or editorial that puts the publication in the right light. Discount campaigns, additional services or free gifts turn the magalog into a dialogue medium.


A magalog – the marriage of the magazine and the catalog - creates this compelling combination. When presenting products, it is important to reduce the range presented through personalization instead of representing the full array available. Appropriate editorial content will ensure that products are presented in the right light and that the reader is inspired. Because it is precisely this enthusiasm that is indispensable for creating brand awareness. It is also worthwhile to highlight product innovations with fascinating product history, possible applications or background reports.

Even products that appear to have no emotional attraction, such as screws or disposable glass, can be bathed in an emotional light if they are supplemented with the right story. This makes know-how and content acquisition the key to this new sales-boosting touchpoint.

One Solution for all print touchpoints

Our Customers use the priint:suite to create an endless selection of print media like catalogs, leaflets self-mailers, datasheets and much more.

The priint:suite enables them to integrate the most diverse data sources (e.g. ERP, PIM, MDM, DAM, CRM, CMS Web-Shops or MRM systems), making their information usable for marketing and print touchpoints. The same data that fuels the digital channels can be seamlessly utilized in the print channel with the click of a button. This ensures a consistent customer experience across all communications channels. The modularity and scalability of the priint:suite makes it possible to successfully automate print process and customer touchpoints created by any department within the company and methodically integrate them into the digital communication strategy.

  • Customer loyalty through emotional stories
  • Winning new customers through attractive product presentation
  • Content connection via Web CMS systems

Get your Copy of our Touchpoint Travelmap

More than 30 print relevant touchpoints help to make multi-channel communication more effective, so perfect customer journeys can be orchestrated. The priint:suite, with its powerful components, helps you create print touchpoints quickly and easily based on existing data sources in your company. Filter touchpoints and discover how priint:suite can help you put this into practice.