Instruction Manual
A user manual does not have to be used after a purchase. Many consumers study instructions before buying and use them as a basis for deciding for or against a product. If the instruction manual doesn’t inspire and convince the consumer, he may decide to purchase from a competitor.
As an after-sales instrument, effectively executed instructions can fulfil several functions. Primarily they support the customer in the installation, commissioning or use of his new product. The presentation of supplementary product offers can encourage further purchases. Compelling stories about the product offer add value and confirm the buyers purchasing decision. In this way, the instructions counteract possible "purchase loyalty", the so-called cognitive dissonance.

The instruction manual, often the last link in the chain of communication, is frequently an unloved child whose numerous possibilities are underestimated. Too complicated, too technical, too difficult to read, often catastrophically translated and causing little enthusiasm, today’s instruction manuals give little incentive to read them.
Additionally, buyers often receive operating instructions in numerous languages with a wide variety of product variants. It’s not uncommon for 95% of the content to be completely irrelevant to the target customer, making the manual off-putting instead of motivating – a failure when considering after sales opportunities.
Individualization does not stop at operating instructions. Customers want instructions only in the language relevant to them and with exactly the product they have purchased. Since the product data in the manufacturers' databases are already available in granular form, it would be no problem, with the right technology, to create operating instructions that are tailored to the needs of and personalized for each buyer or application. This, of course, requires a high degree of automation. Personalized operating instructions enable smaller print runs with lower page volumes, reducing printing costs while stoking customer enthusiasm and being ecologically responsible.
One Solution for all print touchpoints
Our Customers use the priint:suite to create an endless selection of print media like catalogs, leaflets self-mailers, datasheets and much more.
The priint:suite enables them to integrate the most diverse data sources (e.g. ERP, PIM, MDM, DAM, CRM, CMS Web-Shops or MRM systems), making their information usable for marketing and print touchpoints. The same data that fuels the digital channels can be seamlessly utilized in the print channel with the click of a button. This ensures a consistent customer experience across all communications channels. The modularity and scalability of the priint:suite makes it possible to successfully automate print process and customer touchpoints created by any department within the company and methodically integrate them into the digital communication strategy.
- Marketing instrument for pre- and after-sales
- Reduction of costs through personalization
- Positive word-of-mouth through instructions with added value

Get your Copy of our Touchpoint Travelmap
More than 30 print relevant touchpoints help to make multi-channel communication more effective, so perfect customer journeys can be orchestrated. The priint:suite, with its powerful components, helps you create print touchpoints quickly and easily based on existing data sources in your company. Filter touchpoints and discover how priint:suite can help you put this into practice.