STIEBEL ELTRON - future-proof thanks to a central PIM system

Patrick Stein and Marcel Machoni

STIEBEL ELTRON revolutionized product communication with a central Product Information Management System (PIM). We'll discuss the challenges during the implementation, the limits of the old system landscape and successfully coping with new requirements.

Old systems, new challenges... STIEBEL ELTRON's transformation to success

Since 2003, STIEBEL ELTRON has relied on the Mediando PIM system to create extensive price catalogs for their German sales department. But with the growth of the company and internationalization, the old system landscape reached its limits.

The demands on the form and quantity of data on the part of the retailers grew and required, among other things, specific and precise classifications of the products. On the online channels, it was crucial to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the product presentation. At the same time, the foreign subsidiaries and plants of the globally active company had to be integrated into the system and a smooth translation workflow ensured.

A call for tenders defined these and other requirements, which ultimately led to a pitch with eight technology companies. This was the starting point for change at STIEBEL ELTRON.

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The future of the data landscape - focus on efficiency and innovation

The current system landscape at STIEBEL ELTRON has undergone a remarkable transformation. Compared to the previous structure, many interfaces have been added, including the connection to the EPREL product database. This is an electronic database for energy consumption-relevant products in which manufacturers must register their devices for distribution within the EU.

Thanks to a new interface between Celum's DAM system and the Hybris system, the data transfer for over 30,000 assets was reduced from 60-70 hours to just 1.5 hours. Balthasar, a translation agency, also now works fully automatically with data from the SAP Commerce Cloud PIM system.

The core of today's system landscape is no longer Mediando, but rather OnPremise Hybris, which is used as SAP's PIM system.

The priint:suite enterprise publishing solution has replaced the previous database publishing solution and enables the automated output of price catalogs and extensive marketing materials for 15 countries. This advanced system architecture enables increased efficiency and automation at STIEBEL ELTRON, which will guide the company into a successful future.

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Then take a look at our success story with SQLI and STIEBEL ELTRON!

The price catalog reloaded - STIEBEL ELTRON focuses on efficiency and innovation

The price catalog remains very important at STIEBEL ELTRON, but has undergone a comprehensive makeover. For example, with the relaunch, new icons were added that are now maintained directly in the PIM at the article. This enables a targeted and timely relevant output of the icons, especially for prestigious events such as the Red Dot Award. In order to ensure correct usage, legal regulations are also fulfilled in addition to any time frame requirements.

Modern publications at STIEBEL ELTRON also rely on customer experiences and storytelling to present even its more complex products in an appealing and contextual way. In addition to content and price pages, the catalogs also contain numerous decorative and editorial pages, which provide space for individual design and solutions.

Today, the price catalogs comprise between 800 and 900 pages and are produced twice a year for 15 countries. The high level of automation is impressive: the catalog is generated at the touch of a button, while manual interventions, such as adding forewords or decorative pages, are reduced to a minimum. With nearly 100% automation, it saves STIEBEL ELTRON time and ensures that the catalogs are produced as efficiently as possible.

An agile approach to success

The introduction of the PIM system at STIEBEL ELTRON was far more than a technical changeover - it was a profound change in processes and corporate culture. The complexity of the new system architecture brought with it questions and uncertainties. Nevertheless, STIEBEL ELTRON opted for an agile approach. A dedicated team formed, worked closely together and operated in rolling cycles. The change process began and employees became active shapers of the change.


The successful introduction of the PIM system and the associated agile change, along with other factors, now form a solid basis for STIEBEL ELTRON's future security. The efficient data delivery to websites, the web store, and the optimized creation of price catalogs are just some of the positive effects of this change. STIEBEL ELTRON has proven that a well-designed Product Information Management (PIM) solution combined with a strong change process paves the way to success. The PIM hub has become a powerhouse that will accompany the company into the future.

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