Overview about all news around priint

priint:day aftermovie

Insights from the 11th priint:day

The 11th priint:day has successfully taken place in Mülheim an der Ruhr. Now you can get the first …...


Survey: Rethink. Print.

We want to know!

How important is print for you in communication? What role does print play in the customer journey …...


Individualized postcards

How EURONICS successfully uses individualized postcard campaigns

Every year, Euronics implements more than 60 personalized postcard campaigns at the highest level …...


Reliable database publishing

Smart product data onboarding for reliable database publishing

E-commerce is growing and digitization continues to increase. Nevertheless, annual or seasonal …...


Successful 11th priint:day

Record number of participants at one of the largest events for product communication and omnichannel marketing

Two successful priint:day days are behind us. With over 350 participants, 60 speakers and 45 …...


Welcome ReKnowledge!

Our new partner in Japan

Since 2016 we are represented with an office in Japan, as there is definitely a need for priint …...
