Read about it first in the priint:blog

Back to the future (Part 2)

...because nothing is as constant as change

“Human Factor” and “Change” has determined the theme of the 4th + 5th priint:days. With our time …...


Back to the future (Part 1)

The start of a journey

But what connects the film “Back to the Future” and our 10th priint:day 2021? Well, the story …...


The future of...

...Adobe® InDesign® software

I was further honored and delighted to be chosen to give a keynote speech about the future of Adobe …...


Climate change, climate crisis...

...does that matter for us?

About a year ago, the first reports on protesting young people appeared. They called for science to …...


From the Tower of Babel to...

...Comet Illustrator plug-in

In a fully connected world should we expect technology to intervene and improve the situation, …...


Extensive publishing projects

Success Story: OSMO

With clear objectives and targeted preparatory work, rapid implementation of efficient print …...
