Read about it first in the priint:blog

Next Level Consulting at forbeyond

Kersten Wirth im Interview

After the postponement of our priint:days to June 2021 we used the time to talk to our sponsors and …...


Our entry into the company

Karolina Neb and Lea Reitz

Because of Corona we have my challenges in our daily lives. One of them is to hire new employees....


Interview with Fabian Fischer and Lea Reitz from nexoma

Ein Austausch unter Partnern

The priint:day offers the opportunity to exchange ideas, make new contacts and meet partners again. …...


Kontave Solution Partner from the UK

Interview with Derick Price

In the interview: Derick Price, Co-Founder, from our new partner Kontave.Kontave is a Creative …...


One year at WERK II / Priint

The youngest in the company give an insight

The start at WERK II/priint Group was a bit bumpy. We both come from areas that at a first sight …...


2019 the priint:suite...

...traveled the world!

The priint:suite presented itself at various events around the globe and celebrated a few birthdays. …...
