How to use the App
Thank you for your interest in activating our Datasheet service in your Akeneo PIM.
The following pages and How-to guide will explain in detail the step-by-step installation process how to use our Datasheet service App and how to configure your Akeneo PIM for use with our Datasheet service.
After the installation, you will be able to immediately generate a sample datasheet from your PIM and get a PDF of this datasheet directly back into your Akeneo PIM.
Purpose of the Datasheet service App
The purpose of the Datasheet service App by priint is to automate the connection between your Akeneo PIM system and our priint:cloud server infrastructure to allow the generation of datasheets on our cloud server. The App will automate numerous configurations, manage authentication and security between the systems and prepare a demonstration template, ready to use, on your Akeneo PIM system.
Once executed, our priint Datasheet service will be ready to be used on your Akeneo PIM in a matter of minutes.
During the use of the Datasheet service App, when your Akeneo PIM is connected to our cloud-based datasheet service, the configuration will store an access token to your PIM securely within our priint:cloud environment which will allow us to connect to your Akeneo server transparently.
This security token is generated by your Akeneo PIM system.
It is important to maintain this same token in your Akeneo PIM system without changing it. If you delete the installation of our Datasheet server App, the token will be deleted at the same time. At this stage, communication between your Akeneo PIM and our Datasheet service would be broken. If this happens, please contact our support team.
1. Start our Datasheet service App
This page gives you a short overview of what the App will do when activated. In this step, you have 2 installation options available to you:
- Demo Installation: The App will add some additional attributes to your Akeneo PIM (priint_template, priint_status, priint_pdf, priint_pdf_history, etc.). The App will also add some reference entities (priint_templates, priint_brand) to your PIM to allow the PDF generation process. The App will create a priint:comet datasheet project for you on our priint:cloud server infrastructure using default settings. A test product and datasheet template (priint_dummy_product) will be created and configured on your Akeneo PIM server for you to use. This is ideal for testing our datasheet service.
- Production Installation: For customers and partners that want to proceed with a configuration ready for Production, without installing the demo content, you can select this option. In order to connect our datasheet service to your Akeneo PIM, based on the installation option you prefer, please select the installation type you want and click the “I accept the terms of agreement” checkbox under and click on Continue. From this page you can click on links to get to this Set-up guide or to the full Datasheet service documentation. From this page, you can also click on a link to read our Terms of Agreement. In order to proceed to the next step, you must select an installation type you want and click on the checkbox to accept our Terms of agreement and click on the Continue button.
2. The Akeneo Connect authorization window
The second window displayed by the App will allow you to preview what authorizations that will be needed by the App on your Akeneo PIM in order to work.
This is an information window only, no options can be selected or deactivated in the step. It is solely displayed to indicate all authorizations that will be required.
This installation step informs you that the App will require the following permissions:
- View Categories
- View locales and currencies
- View and edit asset families
- View and edit assets
- View and edit attribute options
- View and edit attributes, attribute groups, families and family variants
- View and edit products and product models
- View and edit reference entities
- View and edit reference entity records
All of the above view and edit permissions are required in order to allow the datasheet service by priint group to function on your Akeneo PIM system.
Click on the ALLOW AND NEXT button at the top right of the screen to continue. Click on the X icon on the top left of the screen if you want to cancel the installation.
3. The Akeneo Connect window
The third window displayed will now allow you to select and modify the permissions requested by the App.
In this window, you will be able to view the list of authorizations requested by our App on your Akeneo PIM system, you can scroll down to view the full list. As you navigate down in the list, you can decide and select the exact permissions given to our datasheet service within Akeneo.
At this stage by default no permissions are granted. You can decide here what exact permissions you chose to grant to our App, therefore what permissions you grant to our datasheet service within your Akeneo PIM system. These permissions are required in order to allow our Datasheet service to be able to interact with your Akeneo PIM and be allowed to read and/or write into different areas of your PIM as listed in the previous screen.
We recommend that you grant read/write permissions to the datasheet service App to ensure that the web services are able to read product data from your PIM and that it is able to write back to datasheet services specific attributes and areas within your Akeneo PIM.
In all cases, permissions granted via the App during the installation process can be changed at any time by your Administrator via the regular management of Authorizations in Akeneo.
To change this, go to: Connect -> Connected Apps -> Datasheet services by priint to continue,
Click on the NEXT button at the top right of the screen to continue.
Click on the X icon on the top left of the screen if you want to cancel the installation.
4. The Akeneo Connect confirmation window
The fourth window displayed under will give you visual confirmation of the Authorizations granted to our App and datasheet service as defined in the previous window.
In the above window, you can scroll down the list of authorizations that were selected in the previous window and that will be performed on your server. Please review these permissions before continuing.
At the bottom of the screen, you can see the 3 green checkmarks, confirming that you are at the last step of configuration before proceeding with the activation.
Click on the CONFIRM button at the top right of the screen to continue.
Click on the X icon on the top left of the screen if you want to cancel the installation.
After you click on the CONFIRM button, a quantity of changes and automation will be performed both on your Akeneo PIM system and on our Datasheet service cloud server. This step should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Please wait for the process to be complete before leaving this window.
5. Installation complete
This last screen that will be displayed confirms that the installation was successful.
Installation verification
You can control the correct installation of our App by going to: Connect -> Connected Apps In the window displayed in Akeneo, you can see the following installation of the Datasheet services by priint in the Connected Apps section.
Deinstallation of the App
Complete de-installation of the connection between your Akeneo PIM and our Datasheet service can be a bit more complex than the installation.
1. Delete application
This first step is done via the Akeneo delete application function.
In your Akeneo system, go to: Connect -> Connected Apps ->Datasheet services by priint
On the top right of the window, click OTHER ACTIONS and select Delete.
When you validate the deletion of the App, Akeneo will handle the following actions:
- The security token in Akeneo will be deleted, therefore the connection between your Akeneo server and our datasheet service will be stopped.
- All permissions granted to our datasheet service will be removed.
At this point, this is as far as the Akeneo Delete App can go. All additions to your Akeneo Server done via API will need to be removed manually by an Akeneo Administrator.
2. Manuel deletion
The following steps will explain all objects that need to be deleted manually. If you chose not to perform the following steps, please note that in all cases all connections between your Akeneo PIM system and our Datasheet service are already disconnected, therefore the risks for choosing not to delete the following are risk-free for the security of your Akeneo PIM system.
2.1 Reference entities and records
Now you should delete reference entities and Entity records.
Please note that to delete reference entities, Reference entity records must be first deleted.
An Administrator must go to: Entities -> Records
All priint datasheet related entity records should be deleted.
Once all entity records have been deleted, go to :
-> Entities
You can now delete the priint_templates Entity
2.2 Attributes groups and attributes
Now you should delete attributes groups and attributes records. Please note that to delete attributes groups, attributes records must be first deleted.
An Administrator must go to: Settings -> Attributes
In the upper filtering options, please select Group : Priint DataSheet service
This will display a list of all priint datasheet related attributes.
Please review each of the attributes before selecting them and deleting them.
The exact quantity of attributes may vary, depending on the exact templates that were configured in your Akeneo PIM system.
2.3 Asset families and assets
Now you should delete Asset families and assets.
Please note that to delete Asset families, asset records must be first deleted.
An Administrator must go to: Assets
Please review each of the Assets before selecting them and deleting them.
The exact quantity of Assets may vary, depending on the exact templates that were configured in your Akeneo PIM system and how many datasheets were generated.
This concludes the installation process of our priint datasheet App on your Akeneo PIM system.
To find out how to use our Datasheet service in your Akeneo PIM after the App was activated, please read our How to use our datasheet service documentation below
Datasheet App Limitations
Intended limitations of the Datasheet Service App by priint :
- The Datasheet Service App is intended for allowing fast and simple connection between your Akeneo PIM and our cloud-based Datasheet service
- The App will not allow creating new templates or modifying modifying existing templates
- The Datasheet Service App and corresponding services are intented to generate PDF format datasheets, no other output formats are proposed by design
- The Datasheet Service App and corresponding services are not intended to generate multi-product documents such as price lists, catalogues or other types of publications. For such needs, please contact us
- The Datasheet Service App and corresponding services will fetch data solely in your Akeneo PIM, it will not connect to other data sources
For any additional questions related to our Datasheet Service App please contact us directly at :
If you need to produce other types of publications (flyers, price lists, catalogues and more), please contact us at :