
priint:suite 4.2 is Here!

priint:suite 4.2 Release Brings Innovation and Value to the Forefront

priint:suite 4.2 Release Brings Innovation and Value to the Forefront

An improved user experience, simplified work steps and process optimization are just a few of the innovations available to users in the new priint:suite 4.2.
April 22, 2022
With the release of 4.2, innovative features and concepts have been integrated to continue to successfully support clients using the priint:suite for the planning and implementing of their specific product communication needs. Our primary focus during the development of the 4.2 version of priint:suite was to continue to increase user-friendliness, simplify daily work and optimize processes.

What’s new in priint:suite 4.2?

Neowise: A user-friendly, modern interface

Neowise is the name of the new user interface in priint:suite 4.2. The new user interface appears more modern, is easier and more intuitive to use and can be easily adapted to any customer's corporate design needs.

Flatplan: Assignment and mapping documents throughout their lifecycle

The newly developed flatplan module maps the usual lifecycle phases of a document in six distinctive "document stages":

  • Preparation
  • Content assignment
  • Layout
  • Review
  • Finishing
  • Delivery - final data creation, rendering & dispatch (e.g. PDF)

The editing tools available to the user differ depending on the phase. For example, if a document is in the content assignment phase, different tools are available than if the document is in the correction process.

A Kanban Board also supports visual representation as a component of the six document stages. The document stages are not configurable. This allows users to simplify workflows, reduce complexity in projects and reduce service costs of a priint:suite project.

Camunda: The new business process engine

Camunda is the open source solution for workflows, replacing the closed workflow system specifically developed by the priint Group. By integrating Camunda, the creators of the priint:suite once again rely on proven merit, by the globally recognized BPMN (Business Process Model Notation) standard. The Camunda modeler was used to develop the first processes for priint:suite 4.2 (which are included as standard), with further processes that are currently under development.

The digital revolution & priint:suite 4.2

The changes and upgrades to priint:suite 4.2 mentioned above takes into account the requirement of not viewing publishing processes in isolation, but rather as both a part of higher-level processes and as a part of the overall digital strategy of a company. This ultimately results in the need to integrate publishing processes into higher-level systems and also to rely on standards.


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