
Become an Adobe Illustrator Plugin Beta Tester!

Create real tables in Adobe Illustrator without much effort

Creating actual tables in Adobe Illustrator with minimal effort

Anyone familiar with the packaging and label creation process knows how much work it takes to integrate a table into the Adobe Illustrator layout. In practice, tables are still created laboriously and with a great deal of time consuming manual effort- with every change being made individually to style, format or positioning, sometimes across numerous documents.

Painstaking manual effort is gone... priint:illustrator tables is here!

With the newly developed priint:illustrator tables, the next phase of layout automation has been achieved, allowing tables to be created and edited in Illustrator with minimal manual effort. This concept was of utmost importance to the developers at priint Group to offer the already successful tables UX of InDesign also for Illustrator, to make the work process as effortless and simplified as possible.

Let your readers help design the priint:illustrator tables

Until August 31, 2021, the priint Group offers the opportunity to put the new plug-in through its paces. Interested parties can register free of charge as beta testers and will automatically receive the files. Participants will have until the end of August to test them. If questions or issues arise, testers can contact their own beta test team and receive support.

Afterwards, the beta testers will be asked for their feedback so that the WERK II team can integrate their suggestions into the product.

About the priint Group / WERK II

For more than three decades, Horst Huber and his team at the priint Group have been involved in desktop publishing and layout automation, including the special subject of "tables" associated with it. After several years of development work, tables can be created effortlessly in Adobe InDesign. Various publishing material, including catalogs, leaflets and data sheets can be made efficiently and quicker, making it cost effective to the business. With the help of beta testers, this will be possible for Adobe Illustrator.

The priint:suite product is the overall result of many years of pioneering work in the field of database-driven publishing and is used by hundreds of global brand manufacturers and retailers. The robust data connectivity across the print and publishing lifecycle is considered a unique selling point in the market and is a key digitization enabler.

With priint Group offices in the U.S., France and Japan and a network of over 100 partners- including SAP, Informatica and Adobe, priint has a global technology presence. The German parent company WERK II was twice named Innovator of the Year in 2017 and 2019 and was awarded as one of the 400 most innovative companies in Germany across 20 industries.

Learn more

  • Find out more about priint:illustrator tables here.

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