
70+ experts | 3 countries | 25+ years of expertise

We are experts in digitalization, Microsoft Cloud and AI solutions. We are united by passion, enthusiasm and a strong ambition to build digital solutions that people love. Thanks to the innovative solutions from our experts, your company will be more successful, smarter and more efficient. This leaves you more time for people - for your employees, customers and partners. And because we catapult your level of digitalization to a new level, you can travel to a customer more often or work flexibly from anywhere.
This gives you more time for your favorite people at home, or just for yourself.

B2B stores and customer portals

Our Portal4Industry combines B2B store, PIM and customer portal in one solution, giving you a decisive competitive advantage.
The B2B platform provides you with everything you need for digital relationship management between you and your customers, regardless of if they are direct end customers, resellers or retailers.


Weststrasse 38
9500 Wil

