myview offers PIM Excellence and digital enterprise strategies by developing platforms for the organization of product and company data.
The goal is simple: To master the digital transformation in product communication.
With products like xmedia and xom, myview provides the foundation for implementing the digital transformation of marketing and sales processes in your company. myview uses its industry expertise, especially for technical products, to drive digitalization far beyond the product itself. A solution-oriented way of working and partnership-based cooperation with their customers ensure long-term customer satisfaction.
myview consists of engineers and software developers with a passion for products and technology. They realize projects with a fascination for the accomplishments of their customers and products. myviews in-depth industry knowledge facilitates their success of creating data organization concepts and processes.
myview supports your projects in all phases. You can expect profound and detailed consulting and you can rely on 20 years of experience in the field of database-supported product communication.

- Expecta friendly and service-oriented team with a passion for your products
- Besure of detailed consulting with the goal of a successful project implementation
- xmediais an intelligent PIM system with specially coordinated modules.
- xmediaprovides a central administration of product information relevant to marketing and sales and thus saves time and money
- xomis an API-first platform for accessing product data
- xomenables all of the product data to be available without media discontinuity, for example for websites with CMS
Case Study
Produktmodul - Broschüre
