Survey: Rethink. Print.
We want to know!

How important is print for you in communication? What role does print play in the customer journey and how do you see the trend developing?
As part of a study, SIMIO will compare your answers from the online survey with the theses they have developed in advance, check their plausibility and interpret them.
The goal: a neutral evaluation of the medium print - based on a large online survey.
With the title "Rethink. Print." SIMIO signalize the potential that they still see in the media channel. But they don't just want to put their theses out there and let them be interpreted - they also want to provide proof or counterproof by taking your point of view into account. Only in this way can the study contribute to serious discussions in management, marketing and sales.
The study will show trend-setting tendencies for the coming years, and thus also influence your marketing budgets. So one more reason to join in. Profit from each other's expertise and experience by sharing your opinions and assessments with us.
The study will be completed by summer. As soon as it is published, you will have first access as a participant.
Give us 5 minutes of your time and participate!