More innovation? I can't take it anymore.

The publishing world is on the move. Software that doesn't evolve becomes obsolete.
New learning and new implementation are essential. This applies to software, but also to us personally. If you are not learning, you are going backwards.
There are really only two options: Try to keep up and get overwhelmed and ultimately give up. Or, the much better option: keep reorienting yourself, learn new things without getting tired. Preferably with a pinch of fun. But how does that work?
Simea Merki
Simea Merki is co-owner and founding member of "morntag". As a daughter of an entrepreneur, she had the chance to learn at an early age what it means to think like an entrepreneur. She takes this with her into her work with customers. Entrepreneurial understanding on the one hand and versatile creativity on the other. That's her thing. The mission: to help people say what they have to say, every day. The young team at morntag always takes fresh approaches and finds crafty solutions, especially for the smaller players in the publishing world.