priint:partner Update



priint:partner Update

As we wrap up 2023, we excitedly look forward to what lies ahead in 2024 and beyond! Here’s a small glimpse of some things on the horizon next month:

As we have done in recent years, we are excited to inform you about the recent innovations and upcoming plans for the coming months, including:

  • News from the priint:suite and recommended migration paths from 4.1.9 upwards and release planning priint:suite 2024/1 and 2024/2
  • priint:cloud in projects, connected systems and special opportunities for partners
  • The 2024 price list
  • The 2024 priint Group marketing plans
  • priint:day 2024 plans

We invite and encourage all partners to join us for our priint:partner update on February 8th, 2024 from 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm (remote).

Note: This webinar is exclusively for partners of the priint Group | WERK II. After registration we will activate them manually. Therefore, the registration confirmation email may be delayed. Short-term changes to the agenda are possible.