inRiver PIMpoint Summit 2018
Malmö Live (Dag Hammarskjölds Torg 9, 211 18 Malmö, Sweden)

The PIM event of the year
The priint Group will be represented with priint:suite, the leading multichannel publishing platform for product communication at the inRiver PIMpoint. Rick Coope and Kay Puffer, priint, will demonstrate the priint:suite at booth 8.
PIMpoint 2018 is the PIM event of the year. It is the event for those of you who want to learn about the latest trends, get inspired, and meet your industry peers. The pillars of this year’s PIMpoint are insights through experience and innovation. With these, we want all visitors of PIMpoint to feel the strength of the inRiver Community and what it has to offer through collaboration between its members. Furthermore, we have lined up several fantastic keynote speakers and customers testimonials to share and discuss these topics and provide both inspiration and hands-on tips.
The 2018 PIMpoint offers a packed agenda to meet the expectations of any PIM role, with sessions covering the strategic outlook, reference cases, technology highlights, partner stories and much more. You will get the latest news on Product Marketing Cloud and an update on all the fun things going on within the inRiver Community. As always, we have also set aside time for dinner and fun.