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Learning to make decisions
Decisions are essential for the functioning of organizations. Even the founding of a company is a …...
Moving past B2B & B2C: the era of B2H!
“20 years ago in one of my first marketing job interviews I was asked how I see the difference …...
Artificial Intelligence
Sometimes a single word is enough to trigger many associations - and fears. In the technology …...
Between hype and business - how AI is revolutionizing content production
GPT, OpenAI's AI-based language model, has revolutionized content production. It automatically …...
more Between hype and business - how AI is revolutionizing content production
Artificial intelligence, publishing and raspberry jam
November 30, 2022 is generally regarded as the "iPhone moment of AI". After ChatGPT made the …...
ChatGPT goes PIM: discover how AI can improve product marketing
With the right Product Information Management (PIM) system, product information can be centralized, …...
more ChatGPT goes PIM: discover how AI can improve product marketing