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KPI-driven product data strategy: maximizing success with product data along the product data value chain
In today's digital economy, effectively managing and optimizing product data is critical to a …...

With “Explosion and Simplification” to the digital information supply chain
What do Leonardo da Vinci and the Exploded View model from foryouandyourcustomers have in common? …...
more With “Explosion and Simplification” to the digital information supply chain

Calm-posable commerce: soothing the storms of commerce platforms
The eCommerce market is in constant motion. New technologies and architectures arise on an …...
more Calm-posable commerce: soothing the storms of commerce platforms

priint:day - Innovations once again? I can‘t take it anymore.
When we look back at the last century, it becomes clear that innovation has completely turned our …...
more priint:day - Innovations once again? I can‘t take it anymore.

Puzzle for publishers: catalog construction kit from SSI Schäfer Shop
For more than 40 years, SSI used a catalog of up to 1,500 pages to promote its extensive product …...
more Puzzle for publishers: catalog construction kit from SSI Schäfer Shop

The future of product marketing
Welcome to the future of product marketing: where innovation rewrites the rules of the game!...