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Why Dynamic Publishing Projects Fail
The importance of product data in modern marketing processes, especially in dynamic publishing, is …...
From Work Frustration to Work Flow - Designing Print Productions More Proficiently with BPMN
What brings us closer to the ideal of the "catalog at the push of a button" and helps to make …...
more From Work Frustration to Work Flow - Designing Print Productions More Proficiently with BPMN
Dynamic Templates: The DNA of Automation
The use of dynamic templates enables marketers to rethink marketing concepts and measures. What …...
Our Next Steps in Vietnam - A priint Team Update
Our small office in Vietnam is finally back on site and all signs are set for growth. A lot has …...
A Journey Through the Print & Digital Convention
This blog is designed to help give marketers the tools they need to understand what print can do in …...
"Vera, What Does an Application Consultant Actually Do?"
Vera Quensel has been working at the priint Group as an application consultant for 3.5 years. I am …...
more "Vera, What Does an Application Consultant Actually Do?"