From professionals for professionals – automated catalog production

Concept & Proof of Concept: Automated creation of multilingual main and excerpt catalogs
Today, gastronomy means much more than just meeting the basic needs of guests. Pulsiva has long recognised this and offers gastronomes and hoteliers an attractive selection of gastronomic and hotel needs. With Pulsiva’s comprehensive range of products, the restauranteur proves his taste and conveys a professional and pleasant atmosphere.
For Pulsiva, this means providing customers with up-to-date product and article information quickly and at all times.
Through the conception and proof of concept of the new print process, time and cost savings of up to 50% are to be achieved through the automated creation of the main and excerpt catalogs.
Features & Challenges
The core requirement was to create 9 Pulsiva catalogs a year in 9 language variants each, automated and template-based in Adobe® InDesign®.
In Germany, this means the production of over 170 million pages per year. Furthermore, regular price updates of approx. 5,000 articles have to be carried out.

The solution
SDZeCOM analyzed the original print process, identified alternative actions and validated the preferred scenario in a proof of concept.
The priint:suite was then introduced in conjunction with an InDesign server and connected to the PIM system. A uniform basis (Linux) was created for the priint:suite and Contentserv.
- Time and cost savings of up to 50%
- Digitization of manual processes of media creation
- Faster time-to-market
- Simple creation of language variants through integrated translation processes
- Seamless integration into the current media landscape
Project information
Customer: Pulsiva GmbH
Products: Products for the hotel and catering industry
Target group: B2B
Initial spark of the project: Introduction of a new publishing system based on CONTENTSERV and priint:comet

Pulsiva is a brand of the Erwin Müller Group, a global B2B mail order company for the hotel and restaurant industry. Since its foundation in Nuremberg (Germany) in 2008, Pulsiva GmbH has been on the road to success as a supplier of hotel and catering supplies. The company attracts with a proven, price-oriented standard assortment and guarantees gastronomic quality and fast delivery. Because professionalism is not a question of money

SDZeCOM is one of the pioneers and most successful system architects and system integrators of solutions for efficient (product) data management in German-speaking countries. The services range from the selection and implementation of Master Data Management Systems (MDM) and Product Information Management Systems (PIM) to the ongoing support of solutions. SDZeCOM has been one of the first companies in Germany to implement database publishing projects since 1995.